Majan à Freemantle

Majan a coupé la ligne du Cap Leeuwin  à 4h10mn48s GMT  lundi 22 mars. Au programme maintenant la remontée vers Fremantle où les attendent de nombreux supporters et l'équipe technique.

Credit : Mark Covell/Oman Sail

Mohsin Al Busaidi (extraits) :
"Nous remontons tranquillement vers le Nord. Nous ne sommes plus en course, le vent tombe sous les 7 noeuds, nous tournons parfois au moteur. Finalement la vie à bord n'a pas changé. Nous continuons notre routine avec nos quarts. Et nous nous rendons compte de la chance de prendre une bonne douche et manger une salade verte !"

Mohsin Al Busaidi :
"We are making our way slowly stop/start northwards through good patches of wind and slow transitions of less.

Mohsin and Mohammed as Majan crosses the finish line of leg 3 Now we are not racing we turn on the engine to get a pull from our trusty onboard ‘donkey’ when the wind drops under 7 knots. This helps us get to the new breeze patches faster rather than trying to sail there.

Life on board is not really any different than when we were racing. We are keeping to the normal race watches and routine as usual. It's now all about getting to the dock! So in a way we are still racing. It’s a powerful pull that a man has to get to a fresh shower and a green salad. That’s the chat on board.

The customs request has been lodged for clearance first thing in the morning of the 24 March. They have in return asked us to have all our food and condiments in bin bags, as the import restrictions are very stringent. We were not even allowed to set off from South Africa with any honey through fear of transporting any bee viruses!

When you leave the Southern Ocean any sailor has an air of regret to be sailing away from all it has to offer. Cold long rolling waves and albatrosses will have to wait until our next voyage south. So sad to be sailing out of the Southern Ocean, but thankful that she was good to us and let us pass through her watery grounds safe and sound. Onwards and it feels like ‘upwards’ to Fremantle. It’s my watch now - business as usual."

Source : Majan